Gambling is a widely practiced activity across cultures and research has demonstrated its links to cultural factors as a contributory factor for problem gambling (PG). Unfortunately, little research has been conducted into exploring this aspect in literature.
This study explored how culture shapes convenience gambling experiences. Our researchers discovered that French and Finnish interviewees perceived convenience gambling differently.
Gambling in China
While most gambling research focuses on individual behavior, addiction, and cognitive impairment, a growing body of work examines gambling as a social practice. This approach highlights its impact on wider socio-cultural and regulatory contexts which impact attitudes, values, and beliefs regarding gambling among participants.
Gambling has long been part of Chinese culture and widely accepted among both officials and commoners alike. Even during dynastic reigns that prohibit it, its popularity continued to grow; perhaps because Chinese society encourages it in various ways.
Horse racing was an exceptionally popular form of gambling during both the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods in China, popular among both emperors and wealthy. Betting on horses based on speed had a huge effect on race results; additionally, feng shui played an integral role in Chinese gambling as it believed those with concave navels had higher chances of victory than others.
Gambling in Japan
Foreign visitors typically envision Japan as an appealing travel destination with delectable local food, rich historical sites and diverse pop culture – not gambling destinations due to the country’s strict legal framework (casinos are still illegal).
Gambling is illegal in Japan and many forms of public betting, such as Lotterie and some types of sports bets, are forbidden by law. Nonetheless, some Japanese citizens manage to skirt these regulations through offshore online casinos or mobile gaming apps.
Gambling can provide an escape from everyday problems while indulging in fantasies of power and wealth. Furthermore, gambling helps individuals feel connected to and identified with fellow gamblers (nakama). When Japanese people develop gambling problems they may face shame from society as well as changes to their lifestyle which lead to isolation and depression – something many American can relate to as they see their gambling addiction progress further each time it changes the person.
Gambling in Korea
Gambling in Korea is a widely enjoyed pastime enjoyed by both foreigners and Koreans. While lottery, casino, and sports betting games may be banned due to their potentially risky elements, online gaming remains legal in Korea.
A cross-national study on youth online risky behavior concluded that intrapersonal and interpersonal predictors were consistent across four countries studied (Table 2). Male gender and impulsivity were significant predictors in the United States, South Korea, Spain while exposure to pop-up gambling advertisements was more prominent among Finnish participants.
Its unusual duality between tourists and locals gambling, has reignited debate about loosening laws to allow citizens to enjoy this lucrative industry. Unfortunately, it appears unlikely to happen anytime soon as public sentiment remains against this proposal and politicians recognize that any change would lead to significant electoral costs for themselves.
Gambling in Europe
Research in gambling often focuses on addiction, problem gambling and state regulations; however, more recently a body of literature has begun exploring how social-cultural environments influence gambling behaviour, with particular reference to advertising/marketing driving participation in gambling activities.
Practice theorists advise considering social practices holistically rather than viewing individual acts individually. Gambling’s rise in Europe can be seen as a response to larger forces at play in our contemporary societies such as neoliberalism, globalisation and liberalisation; trends which pervade gambling practice itself with rituals, mateship appeals, excitement/adventure appeals and sexuality themes all playing into its development; this trend manifests itself through heavily marketing gambling products specifically targeting young people/women; this phenomenon also encouraged by handheld technology advancement and expansion as well as broadband internet access expansions.